Andrea Ludden Jr. Homepage

Hello! And welcome to my Page.


    I will keep this nice and brief. If you would like to see what I do and work on please visit me in Earth & Sky. Make sure you explore the "About us" and check out pictures of the workshops (at the bottom of the page).

    My family and I have a house in Southern Mexico.  We spent a month in Oaxaca, Mexico with over 14 friends who  stayed with us during to celebrate the New Year, it was a blast!

One of my interests is astronomy and anything to do with up there. Technology now allow us to view The International Space Station and even the Space Shuttle. Interested in other links?

    Recently I saw the Imax movie Dolphins, which reminded me of how much I love the water. After the movie, I explored the web to find JoJo and his friends as well as to learn more about dolphin communications. If you would like to do something interesting write a letter to Starbucks. Why?

    Want to see more pictures?

I have also posted pictures in Yahoo.

Email me at andrea @ ludden .com (Take the spaces out)

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